Landing Page Optimization Tips For Higher Conversions

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Many believe that PPC (Pay Per Click) campaign is all about choosing the right keywords. The importance of a compelling landing page is often overlooked with around 80% of the paid traffic being directed to the homepage, registration page, shopping cart page, and product detail page. This manifests the lack of understanding of webmasters about the significance of landing page for a PPC campaign. Not only does an effective landing page result in higher conversions, but also can make your campaign more cost effective as a high-quality score by Google will lead to reduced cost per click.

Landing Page Optimization Tips For Higher Conversions

For your landing page to serve as the funnel point to high conversions:

  • Many fail to comprehend the fact that the logical flow for designing a landing page is keywords>>Ad Copy>>Landing page for the viewer. The ad copy must bear the keyword that was inserted by the consumer to search for the respective product or service. Matching headline with the content they searched for, will assure them that they are on the right page, i.e. the one they were looking for. Also, try to substantiate all the stuff that you provide be it your special benefits or accreditation that you have received.
  • A generic landing page is a strict no- no and can leave a consumer irritated. No user will want to repeat the search after entering into the landing page once and will consider it a waste of time and energy. Clicking a back cursor and switching to another website will seem a preferred option to them.
  • A single call to action is what every consumer wants. Directing to the home page may provide around 20-75 interaction points that lead to focus dilution. There is a common misconception that the more choices you create, the greater is the benefit. However, in reality, all that you are doing is leaving the consumer confused. In fact, this can leave them so confused that they may postpone their buying or be in a dilemma whether to buy that product.
  • An attractive gallery will boost your chances of winning consumer’s heart. Besides, the designer must also take into consideration usability factors while designing the website. Using too many colors and inane clip arts can ruin the look of your landing page.

You win half the battle by offering the right landing page to your consumer.

Summary: Many believe that PPC management is all about choosing the right keyword, but in reality, an effective landing page plays a pivotal role in triggering high conversions. A relevant landing page that in the first glance makes the consumer feel that they have landed in the right place serves the purpose.

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